"Respectable Sins": A Must Read for Every Christian

I read a lot of books, and a lot of endorsements regarding books.  Many endorsements include the highly complimentary and promotional phrase, "a must read."  Yet this expression is used so liberally, one can't possibly read all the books that he "must."  And let's face it: the only real book that we "must" read is the Bible.  It is the Word of God and the ultimate standard by which every other book must be judged.

Having said that, let me add that Jerry Bridges' latest book, "Respectable Sins: Confronting the Sins We Tolerate" is a must read for every Christian.  I say that because its message is both radically and refreshingly biblical.  It addresses head-on the "acceptable sins" that tend to go unchecked in our lives.  While condemning the "major" sins of society, we too often excuse and overlook the more subtle sins in ourselves.  Instead of addressing them, we accommodate them.  Yet the Word of God speaks clearly on those matters where we tend to be silent.  Here are some of the sins that Bridges discusses in his book:

Anxiety and Frustration
Lack of Self-Control
Impatience and Irritability
Envy and Jealousy
Sins of the Tongue

Now, if you're like me, you look at a list like that and initially think, "Oh, great.  It looks like I'm in for some real beat-up sessions."  But let me assure you that while this book is convicting, it is also very encouraging and motivating.  It didn't leave me feeling "beat up" but highly desirous to get the victory over troublesome areas in my life through the power of the Holy Spirit (in fact, the author devotes a whole chapter to this before addressing any of the specific sins).

I liked this book not only because its message is highly relevant and timely for believers today (particularly those living here in America), but also because of the manner in which the message is delivered.  Three characteristics in particular really stood out to me:

The author is precise.  That is, he does very well in defining and describing the specific sins he is addressing.  Though he says outright that he is not intending to be overly technical, I found him to be very articulate and biblically accurate in his handling of these topics.

The author is personal.  By this I mean that Jerry Bridges is very honest and transparent regarding his own struggles in some of these areas.  Furthermore, he communicates in such a way that you feel like he's sitting in your living room discussing these things in a calm but earnest manner over a cup of coffee.  I appreciated the assessment of pastor/professor Ligon Duncan, who wrote, "I can't think of any partner with whose help I'd rather tackle my own heart sins than Jerry."  I think you'll end up feeling the same way as you read this book.

The author is passionate.  He is passionate about Jesus Christ.  He is passionate about pursuing holiness.  And his passion is contagious.  I found myself not being beat up so much as built up.  Don't get me wrong: this book was very convicting.  But it was also marvelously motivating.  The Lord used it to make me all the more grateful for His grace and for Christ my Savior.  Consequently, I found myself wanting to rid my life of anything displeasing to Him.

So this is definitely a book worth buying.  Read it with an open heart, and you will no doubt be blessed by it as you heed what you read.