A Hole in the Shoe and our Heavenly Father

During this Week of Prayer at First Baptist Church, we are hearing from various folks in our congregation regarding their own journey in the discipline of prayer. Today's contribution comes from Linda McMorrow, who serves as a deaconess and has been a member of First Baptist Church for many, many years, along with her two sons, Chris and Paul. Here is Linda's testimony that she wanted to share with our readership:

Is there anyone out there in trouble and bewildered? Is there anyone out there in pain? I want you to know that the Lord God is aware of all the details of your problems. In fact, if you belong to God as His child, your problems have been designed and sent by Him.

Now, what do we do? If we know God is sovereign over all our affairs, it makes sense to go to the One who sees trouble coming from afar off and who provides for a solution at the same time.
Once I was on my way to work on a dismal day, fragile in spirit and physical strength. My problems that miserable March day were a hole in my shoe and the prospect of a long walk through the slushy city streets, a cold and wet foot for the day, and a daunting assignment. I pleaded with the Lord my Heavenly Father all the way into the city to rescue His pathetic daughter somehow. The prospects looked dim.

After parking my car and getting out, I opened the rear door to retrieve my work equipment. To my everlasting delight, I saw on the opposite floorboard a pair of Eddie Bauer boots, top of the line! I later found out that my son's friend Brad had "accidentally" forgotten to take them home after a sleepover. They fit me perfectly and I walked on glory clouds to my destination. To top it off, when I got to my assignment I was told by the receptionist that the job was canceled. I was able to go home that day which is where I needed to be. I marveled at what a tenderhearted Father I had and I often think back to His precious provision in answer to those whining prayers of mine. God's solution was already in place for me the whole wretched time and I didn't even know it! So be exceedingly glad. The Lord delights in you. He has already answered your prayer and, in due time, it will be revealed to you.

"But my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus" (Phil. 4:19).

"He brought me forth also into a large place; he delivered me, because he delighted me" (Psalm 18:19).