In his book, Secrets of a Happy Home Life (first published in 1894), author J. R. Miller wrote:
One instrument out of tune in an orchestra mars the music which breaks upon the ears of the listeners. One discordant life in a household mars the perfectness of the music of love in the family. We should make sure that our life is not the one that is out of tune. We do not need to worry about the other lives; if each looks to his own, that will do.
These words are very timely as we head into our weekend family conference here at First Baptist. How easy it is for me to think, "My kids need to hear these messages and get back on track!" or "I hope my wife pays real close attention to that message on on marriage!" Or even as a pastor I could think, "I hope this or that couple comes to the conference because their family life stinks! Their priorities are way out of line! They need to come to this conference and get right with God!"
Now some or all of those things may be true, but the one I need to be looking at is ME. Like the old Gospel hymn says, "It's not my brother, not my sister, but it's me, O Lord, standin' in the need of prayer! Not the preacher, not the deacon, but it's me, O Lord, standin' in the need of prayer!..." Whenever we come to the Word of God, our attitude should be, "Lord, wouldst Thou have ME to do?"
May God help me - and all of us - to approach His Word with such a mindset. Then and only then will we have happy and holy homes.