A Young Man's Life

Editor’s Note: Today for “Family & Friends Friday,” we’re blessed to have my son Ethan Fletcher as our guest blogger. Ethan is our fourth oldest child, is 23 years old, and one of the hardest workers I know. When Ethan was young, we were told that he’d never graduate from high school or get a driver’s license. But by God’s grace and Ethan’s grit (plus the help of his parents, teachers and tutors), he accomplished both. In fact, Ethan went on to earn his Commercial Driver’s License (CDL).

I would say more, but Ethan is actually going to tell you a bit about himself. It’s a snapshot of a young man’s life which pretty much revolves around family, church, and work. The Bible has much to say about these three realms of life, and we thank the Lord for Ethan’s continuing development and maturity in each area.

To have Ethan as my guest blogger on this particular day is extra special because it is my mom’s birthday. My mom went home to be with the Lord 20 years ago, but I have no doubt that she is rejoicing in heaven over the young man that her grandson, Ethan Fletcher, is today.

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Hello all! My name is Ethan Fletcher. I am a 23 year old man who lives in Webster, NY, and was born in Canada. I am very blessed to come from a lovely family of seven that God has given me. I love them dearly and cannot be more grateful to have such a loving family in my life!

Today I would like to take the time to share from my heart the areas in my life — what I do and why I have such a passion for these things in my life.

I have been going to Webster Bible Church for almost 10 years and have been a member for almost 4 years. To this day I serve in the nursery and also on the church Security Team. I love working in the nursery, because personally I have always had a heart for little kids and babies. It’s important for their parents to know that when they drop off their precious little children and babies. they are well protected and cared for. I love to see little babies look at me with a smile and lift their arms up in the air to show that they want me to hold them. To know that they want me to hold them makes me very happy beyond words!

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I know that parents are concerned for their children’s safety and want them protected. That’s a man’s job, so that’s why I serve in the nursery and also on the Security Team. I have a strong protective personality in me, and the people at Webster Bible Church are people I love that God has brought into my life. They are important to me, and I would never want to see any of them get hurt in any way.

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For my work, God has gifted and blessed me with a few jobs! I work at Meridian Associates Commercial Flooring as my full-time and first-priority job. On the side I work for two landscaping companies and also for Wendy’s here in Webster. I love and enjoy to work! I am big on wanting and liking to stay steadily busy throughout each day and week. I try to be known as a man who is not afraid to get his hands dirty and work hard.

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God has gifted us men in this world, some more than others, with strong, healthy bodies! I am truly thankful for mine. I believe we should put our strong healthy bodies to use and work hard in a way that pleases the Lord! I am so very grateful for the healthy, strong body God has given me.

In conclusion, after everything I’ve said and shared, I truly from the bottom of my heart am grateful for all that God has blessed me with in my life! I hope going into 2021 that I will improve my appreciation to God, who I love truly!

Be watchful,
stand firm in the faith,
act like men, be strong.
Let all that you do be done in love.
- 1 Corinthians 16:13 -