A Steady Heart

He is not afraid of bad news;

his heart is firm, trusting in the Lord.

— Psalm 112:7 —

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For the last year, my 83-year-old father has been in atrial fibrillation (AFib). Yesterday my dad underwent a electric cardioversion for a second and final time. Our family fasted and prayed the day before the procedure. Hundreds of other friends also sought the Lord on Dad’s behalf.

The procedure was unsuccessful.

As believers, we know this outcome had nothing to do with a lack of God’s power but had everything to do with his purpose.

Physically, Dad’s heart is out of rhythm. But spiritually, it’s as steady as ever.

This was evident in Dad’s email to everyone late yesterday. I share it here because (1) many of you prayed for my dad, and (2) we want your own heart to be strengthened and encouraged in whatever trials you’re facing. So here is the email my father sent out to the family (via his brother Harry) just hours after the cardioversion:

If you would, please pass on my heartfelt gratitude for all those took of their precious time away from other things and prayed for me. Had my heart been restored to normal rhythm, I would be expressing profound thanksgiving. And I want you to know that I am not one whit less thankful—and I really mean it from my heart—even though seemingly nothing was changed. Each and every one has benefitted from having prayed, and I have benefitted more than anyone. I am humbled that so many would pray in a concentrated way, realizing it was truly a labor of love. I am thankful that God brought me through the procedure without incident. I was again blessed with the knowledge of a faithful and loving wife with me all the way…indeed, for an entire extended family being with me. No, all of the prayers have not been in vain at all, for it’s been an opportunity to again express our dependence upon the Lord, to look to Him for the ultimate answer, to rejoice in His perfect will at this time. He openeth, and no man closeth; He closeth and no man openeth. I am thankful for that great truth, for the sovereignty of God. I have been brought closer to Him through all of this, as I’m sure you have been. So thanks be to God, and to all of you. Your work was a good work, and we have yet to see the final outcome, whatever it may be, for this is but a stop on the way. Thank you to each one again, “The prayer of a righteous man availeth much.”

The moment I finished reading Dad’s email, the words of Psalm 112 came to mind: “He is not afraid of bad news; his heart is firm, trusting in the Lord. His heart is steady; he will not be afraid.”

Perhaps you read that and think, “I wish I could be like that.” The good news is, you can! The psalm begins with this exclamation: “Hallelujah! Happy is the person who fears the Lord, taking great delight in his commands.” Those who rightly fear (revere) God need not fear anything else! “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but one of power, love, and sound judgment” (2 Tim. 1:7).

As we delight ourselves in the Lord, he makes our hearts strong and steady. Biblically, our heart is the core of who we are, the animating center of all that we do. That’s what truly drives us.

Praise God, my dad’s heart is strong and steady. How’s yours?

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