A Christmas Day Poem

I’m thrilled to have my father, James Fletcher, as our guest blogger today on “Family & Friends Friday.”

My dad has a knack for writing poetry. Some of his poems are humorous, while others are more serious and thought-provoking. All of them convey a wonderful talent that Dad has put to good use over the years. Countless people have been stirred, challenged and uplifted by his writings.

Of all my father’s poems, “The Christ of the Cross” ranks near the top in terms of its wide impact. Dad employs rhyme to help us remember the true meaning of Christmas. While many folks are quick to say “Jesus is the reason for the season,” they fail to grasp the true implications of that statement. Dad provides a needed corrective to that by pointing us to the reality of who Jesus is and what he came to do.

Many folks have liked the evangelical thrust of this poem so much, that they have placed miniature copies of it in their Christmas cards. My wife Ruthie and I have done this. In fact, we have a framed copy of it in our living room

Poem Framed.jpg

I think you’ll enjoy the poem. But more importantly I pray that you will worship and exalt Jesus Christ the Lord.

The Christ of the Cross
by James W. Fletcher

Amidst all the tinsel and trappings,
The holiday glitter and gloss,
God help us to see past the wrappings,
Remembering Christ and the cross.

While many grow teary and tender
When scenes of the stable they see,
To little Lord Jesus they'll render their thanks
But not the Christ of the tree.

Now marvel we must at the manger,
The Babe, and the Bethlehem birth.
But, oh, let us stay not a stranger
To why Jesus entered this earth.

For Christ in the cradle could never
Have saved us from infinite loss;
But praise Him forever and ever -
He's also the Christ of the cross!

My father, James William Fletcher

My father, James William Fletcher