What Only the Christian Can REALLY Know About Suffering - 10 Things (by Reid Ferguson)

On Saturday, March 30, Webster Bible Church and the Evangelical Church of Fairport (ECF) co-hosted a conference centered on the theme “Where Is God When It Hurts? God’s Goodness and Human Suffering.” All three conference messages, as well as the panel discussion, were outstanding.

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For the opening session, Pastor Reid Ferguson of ECF set before us a theological framework for suffering based on ten biblical principles. Here they are, along with key biblical references, with no additional comment.

What Only the Christian Can REALLY Know About Suffering (10 Things):

  1. That the entrance of sin is at the root of suffering, and so I kneed to learn a right hatred of it. - Gen. 1-3; Rom. 5:12 (Real Reality)

  2. That if my suffering were really a one-for-one corresponding punishment for sin, I’ve never received the full of what I am due - not even close. - Rom. 6:23; Ps. 73:11-13 (Justice & Mercy)

  3. That a sovereign God is at the helm. - Rom. 8:28; Gen. 50:19 (An Absolute Comfort)

  4. That the enemy may act, but not apart from permission which will eventually work for God’s glory. - Job 1:6 (An Eternal Identity and a Cosmic Conflict)

  5. That I can sanctify and redeem it for the good of the brethren - to comfort others. - 2 Cor. 1:3 (A Magnificent Purpose)

  6. That I can be driven to know God by it in fleeing to Him. - Jer. 29:1-14 (An Unspeakable Privilege)

  7. That for the saved, there is grace in everything. - Ps. 103:10 (A Governing Grace)

  8. That I can learn to crave Heaven by it. - 2 Cor. 4:8-5:6 (A Glorious End)

  9. That I can have an increased gratitude for redemption through it. - 1 Thess. 1:9 (A Sweet Reminder)

  10. That I can enter somewhat into the sweet sufferings of Christ. - Col. 1:24 (A Mysterious Union)

In closing out the conference I sought to answer explicitly the question that had already been answered in all three messages: Where Is God When It Hurts? He (God the Father) is on the throne; He (God the Son) is interceding for us before the throne; He (God the Holy Spirit) is within us fulfilling his role as the Comforter.

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.” - Romans 15:13