A Bug's Life

I don't know if it's the heat wave or what, but the last few days I've come across more bugs than usual. The latest encounter took place in my office bathroom. I saw the small insect making its way slowly across the floor. I don't know what kind it was, but it was the size of a lady bug.

Anyway, I watched it for a moment, trying to figure out what exactly it was, where it was going, and what it must have been thinking. But after thirty seconds or so I got bored and squashed it with my foot. Then somewhat to my own surprise I said, "Sorry, pal."

Afterwards I thought, "Boy, I'm glad I'm not a bug ... and I'm glad God is not like me!" Imagine Him sitting there in heaven thinking, "Who is this guy? What's he doing? Where does he think he's going?" Squish!

Thankfully, God is not like that! He knows me better than I know myself. In fact, He "formed my inward parts [and] knitted me together in my mother's womb" (Ps. 139:13). Furthermore, God knows exactly what I'm up to, every second of the day, every day of my life. He sees the good and the bad, my ups and my downs, my best days and my worst days -- and He loves me through it all. Why? Not because I'm great, but because of His grace!

God's understanding of me is so much greater than my understanding of a bug. His love for me is so much greater than my love of a bug. (Love of a bug? You gotta be kidding me! And let's not even talk about spiders!) My life won't end with a squish under some divine shoe. Rather, my great God and Savior will transform my lowly body so that it will be like his glorious body (Phil. 3:21).

Boy, I'm glad I'm not a bug.