Tables Turned

This week a colleague passed on to me a story from the annals of hymn history.  Be sure to read the following hymn and then the story that follows in that order!  Here's the hymn:

All hail to Thee, Immanuel, we cast our crowns before Thee;
Let every heart obey Thy will, and every voice adore Thee.
In praise to Thee, our Savior King, the vibrant chords of Heaven ring,
And echo back the mighty strain: All hail! All hail! All hail Immanuel!

All hail to Thee, Immanuel, the ransomed hosts surround Thee;
And earthly monarchs clamor forth their sovereign King to crown Thee.
While those redeemed in ages gone, assembled round the great white throne,
Break forth into immortal song: All hail! All hail! All hail Immanuel!

All hail to Thee, Immanuel, our risen King and Savior!
Thy foes are vanquished, and Thou art omnipotent forever.
Death, sin and hell no longer reign, and Satan’s pow’r is burst in twain;
Eternal glory to Thy Name: All hail! All hail! All hail Immanuel!

Hail to the King we love so well! Immanuel! Immanuel!
Hail to the King we love so well! Immanuel! Immanuel!
Glory and honor and majesty, wisdom and power be unto Thee,
Now and evermore!
Hail to the King we love so well! Immanuel! Immanuel!
Hail to the King we love so well! Immanuel! Immanuel!
King of kings and Lord of lords, all hail, Immanuel!

And now, for the rest of the story. . . .

The above lyrics were penned in 1910 by D. R. Van Sickle, an unbeliever who wrote the song to prove that one doesn’t have to be a Christian to write a Christian song. However, God, with His great patience and marvelous grace, turned the tables on him!  Years later, Van Sickle was sitting in a service where a choir sang his hymn. He came under conviction and was saved!