Earlier this year around Valentine's Day, we hosted a "date night" at our church and showed the film Fireproof, starring Kirk Cameron. It as really well done and showed how the only way that marriage can be as it was meant to be is through the love of Jesus Christ. The gospel is the fountain of a truly Christian marriage.
One resource that became available as a result of this movie is the book The Love Dare which is designed to fan the flame of your marriage. At the back of the book, authors Steven and Alex Kendrick provide the following "Twenty Questions" to help you get familiar with your spouse all over again. Keep in mind that these questions are no substitute for Scripture; they are merely a helpful means for applying Scripture on a very practical level. Here are the questions:
Personal Questions
- What is your greatest hope or dream?
- What do you enjoy the most about your life right now?
- What do you enjoy the least about your life right now?
- What would your dream job be if you could do anything and get paid for it?
- What are some things you've always wanted to do but haven't had the opportunity yet?
- What three things would you like to do before the next year passes?
- Who do you feel the most "safe" being with? Why?
- If you could have lunch with anyone in the world, who would it be and why?
- When was the last time you felt filled with joy?
- If you had to give away a million dollars, who would you give it to?
Marital Questions
- What are three things that I do that you really like?
- What are three things that I do that drive you crazy?
- What have I done in the past that made you feel loved?
- What have I done that made you feel unappreciated?
- What are three things that I can work on?
- Of the following things, what would make you feel the most loved? - Having your body massaged and caressed for an hour ... Sitting and talking for an hour about your favorite subject ... Having help around the house for an afternoon ... Receiving a very nice gift.
- What things in the past do you wish could be erased from ever happening?
- What is the next major decision that you think God would want us to make as a couple?
- What would you like your life to look like five years from now?
- What words would you like to hear from me more often?
My wife and I are headed off to Martha's Vineyard for a two-day getaway (compliments of our church family in honor of my tenth anniversary as pastor - thank you, dear flock!). This would be a great time for us to ponder and answer these questions. We challenge you and your spouse to do it as well. In fact, we dare you!