The other day during my morning devotions I came across two passages of Scripture that complemented one another in a very meaningful way. The first passage was Psalm 37:23-24:
The steps of the godly are directed by the LORD,He delights in every detail of their lives.Though they stumble, they will not fall,for the LORD holds them by the hand.
The next passage was Psalm 55:22:
Give your burdens to the LORD,and He will take care of you.He will not permit the godly to slip and fall.
(Both passages above are taken from the New Living Translation.)
In reading the first text, I couldn't help but think of a little child just learning to walk. If you are a parent, you can relate to the joy of seeing a baby take his or her first steps. Each one was considered a major accomplishment and was met with applause. The notion that God takes a sovereign, joy-filled interest in each step we take through life astounds me. Not only that, but He is holding our hand all the way, so that even when we stumble, we are sure not to fall utterly.
For some reason, the second passage caused me to think of older people, even though it still carries the same essential concept of God holding on to us and not allowing us to fall. I think the reason I thought of older people is that babies don't have the "burdens" that grown-ups do. I've noticed that the older we get, the more we can be prone to worry. Maybe this is due to our self-awareness that as we age, our bodies and minds grow more frail and feeble. The elderly, like little children, often require assistance as they walk. Yet sometimes they refuse it, convinced that they can do just fine themselves. It's sad to see them fall and hurt themselves.
The thought that dawned upon me is that as we go through life, God is there to hold our hand. But for us to hold His hand, we must release the burdens we're clutching. We must humble ourselves and confess that we can't walk one step without our Lord's help. We must become like little children, trusting our Father to hold us and help us, to guide us and steady us every step of our lives, until we reach our eternal home.
The following song doesn't have a lot of weighty theological substance, but the strain of truth that runs throughout it is sufficient to comfort any believer of any age:
Precious Lord, take my handLead me on, let me standI am tired, I am weak, I am worn.Through the storm, through the night,Lead me on to the light,Take my hand, precious Lord,Lead me home.When my way grows drear,Precious Lord, linger nearWhen my life is almost goneHear my cry, hear my call,Hold my hand lest I fall,Take my hand, precious Lord,Lead me home.When the darkness appearsAnd the night draws nearAnd the day is past and gone -At the river I stand;Guide my feet, hold my hand,Take my hand, precious Lord,Lead me home.