Just for kicks, I'm doing something a little different for this blog posting - something wild and dangerous. I'm venturing into the political arena (dangerous enough), but more than that, I'm also getting a public opinion poll (more dangerous still). It has to do with the stimulus package just approved by President Obama and (barely) both houses of Congress.
While catching up on the news, I came across a headline that read "Obama: Stimulus Bill 'Major Milestone' for Economic Recovery." But when I first glanced at the headline, I thought it read "Obama: Stimulus Bill 'Major Millstone' for Economic Recovery." Clearly, some see the stimulus bill as a major milestone, whereas others see it as a major millstone! Without a doubt, the passage of this legislation was a major victory for President Obama. The economic stimulus is a 787 billion-dollar package that Obama says will "put people back to work doing the work America needs done." Senator Max Baucus, a Montana Democrat, who was a leading architect of the proposal, said that the stimulus package "will create millions of good-paying jobs and help families and business stay afloat financially." Yet a virtually opposite prediction was voiced by Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell, who said, "A stimulus bill that was supposed to be timely, targeted and temporary is none of the above."
So there you have the contrasting opinions of the powers that be. What's your opinion?