Christian Communication

This morning while at the breakfast table with my son Timothy, I asked him, "So, Timothy, what is your favorite subject in school? - And it can't be lunch, recess, or gym!  It has to be an academic subject."  After a few seconds, Timothy responded, "I can't think of any."

"Okay," I said, changing gears.  "Then what is your least favorite subject in school?  What do you like the least?"  Timothy's answer?  "Language."  And as he said it, he backed up his answer with an affirming nod.

Yet I can't think of a more relevant subject, can you?  Language is something that we use on a daily basis for the rest of our lives.  I'm wondering if that's why language is at the heart of this year's Desiring God National Conference, which begins a week from today.  

Right now there's a lot of controversy in Christian circles regarding the right use of language.  So yesterday I forwarded to my fellow elders an article by Nathan Busenitz that appeared in Pulpit Magazine.  You can check it out here.

The elders responded with some very helpful feedback.  Since this correspondence was initially private, I'll leave it to them as to whether they want to copy and paste their remarks in the Comments section.  Certainly I would love to hear from you, too.  So after you read Busenitz' write-up on Harsh Language, be sure to come back to TruthWalk and leave a comment.  No doubt we can get a good discussion going on this vital topic!